
Showing posts from May, 2020

Beginner's Python Cheet Sheet

This Python Cheat is from the Book Python Crash Course which aims to remind you of syntax rules and grasp all the important concepts in Python programming as a beginner. You will also

Python For DataScience CheetSheet

This Python Cheat Sheet presents the Python basics that you need to do data science and will guide you through variables and data types, Strings, Lists, to eventually land at the fundamental package for scientific

Top 10 Datasets to Build Robust ChatBot System!

One of the ways to build a robust and intelligent chatbot system is to feed question answering datasets during training the model. Question answering systems provide real-time answers that are essential and can be said

6 Common Mistakes made in CVs !

Here is what we're finding mistakes in thousands of cvs: 1. Summary: CV should have a short summary of your experience, skills, achievements, so that a recruiter need not read the full cv. 3-4 Bullet points at the top of the CV can summarize it. 2. Length: CV should

Python Data Science Handbook E-Book Download

Title  Python Data Science Handbook: Essential Tools for Working with Data Author(s)   Jake VanderPlas Publisher:  O'Reilly Media; 1 edition (December 10, 2016); eBook (2018. Updated continuously) License(s):  Text Content:  CC-BY-NC-ND ; Source Code:  MIT License Paperback  548 pages Book Description:

Fundamentals of Python Programming E-Book Download

Fundamentals of Python Programming by Richard L. Halterman Book Description: This book focuses on

Interested in Data Science? Read these Tips!!

It is so good to be interested about Data Science and Machine Learning. Many students think that Data Science is a non technical subject and people with zero coding knowledge, no logical thinking, no creativity can pursue data science courses and can become a Data Scientist. To all those students, looking for building a good portfolio for Data Science, here are some tips to follow: 1. Certifications and courses are not going to take you

550+ Computer Science and Programming E-Books Download

550+ Computer Science and Programming Books List. A Collection of Test Problems for Constrained Global Optimization Algorithms - Floudas and Pardalos.pdf A Distributed Pi-Calculus - Hennessy.pdf A First Course in Database Systems 3e - Ullman and Widom.pdf A Guide to MATLAB for Beginners and Experienced Users - Hunt, Lipsman, and Rosenberg.pdf A Practical Guide to Boundary Element Methods with the Software Library BEMLIB - Pozrikidis.pdf A Programmer's Introduction to C# - Gunnerson.pdf A Smarter Way to Learn JavaScript - Meyers.pdf A Theory of

Top 10 Movies for Programmers!!

  If there is one thing most developers have in common, it has to be the fact that they sometimes lack motivation. And no wonder. The projects most developers have to engage in often times take a toll on them. So how can we deal with the pressure? How can we reignite our